Announcement of Gifts and Donor Recognitions – 1.6005

Policy No. 1.6005

Subject: Announcement of Gifts and Donor Recognitions

Issued by: Office of Public Affairs

Approved: 3/9/2012

Effective: 3/12/2012

Revised: 7/22/2011

POLICY: Announcements in regard to major gifts and grants are made by the Division of Institutional Advancement.

Donors’ requests for anonymity are always respected.


Announcement of Gifts

  1. All gifts of $25,000 or more are reported to organizations that gather and disseminate information on philanthropy, such as the Chronicle of Higher Education and Philanthropic Digest.
  1. Gifts of less than $10,000 are not publicized unless news value is very high or a compelling and unusual reason exists. Announcements will be targeted at specific media serving key constituencies.
  1. The Vice President for Institutional Advancement or her/his designee reviews and approves each gift announcement and obtains approval for release from the donor.

Donor Recognition

  1. All gifts to Florida Memorial University are recognized by the Office of Advancement Services with proper gift acknowledgements and receipts in accordance with United States Internal Revenue Service regulations.
  1. All gifts are recognized with membership in the appropriate University Recognition Societies.
  1. FMU will work with donors to arrange appropriate recognition for significant gifts.
  1. The President and Trustee members will be notified of the date and time of planned events.